Last year I made my first sourdough starter and started baking my first sourdough loaves and pizzas. For my birthday I got this beautiful book: The sourdough school from Vanessa Kimbell. This inspired me to start baking sourdough again but also use better ingredients; organic and stone milled. While searching for a flour mill nearby I discovered that my city Eindhoven has it’s very own water mill: De Genneper Watermolen.

Stoneground flour from De Genneper Watermolen
Stoneground flour has more nutrients and fibers then roller milled flour. And it also has more complex flavor because of the wild yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. In a roller mill process, these are often entirely removed by the heath which the rollers produce. The Netherlands has a rich and distinctive history of mills and I am very thankful that there are still so many passionate millers who keep the craft of flour mills alive. I am intrigued by mills because they are working with nature’s forces and are a very sustainable practice.

A rich history
De Genneper Watermolen is first mentioned in history in 1249 and is a National monument since 1972. Fun fact: Vincent van Gogh painted the watermill in 1884, the second painting van Gogh made of De Genneper Watermolen is his biggest painting and hangs in the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum of Madrid.
Sourdough starter from the mill
At the mill, they are happy to help everybody interested. They have a laminated list of all the products they sell in lots of different languages including English, German, French, and Spanish. The millers have lots of knowledge about the milling process, different kinds of ancient grains and flours, and tips for baking bread with sourdough for instance. If you think about starting to bake with sourdough you can pick up a free wheat or rye starter alongside organic flour from De Genneper Watermolen. But don’t forget to order it a day in advance.
Break Baking starter kit
I visited the mill on Saturday and bought some pancake flour and a bread baking starter kit. Which includes wheat flour, einkorn flour, emmer wheat, Kamut flour, and a package of yeast. At home, I discover that the ancient grains in the bread starter kid have some interesting background information about the history and attributes of the grains attached. For me, this background information makes baking even more interesting and fun. I made the first sourdough loaf of 2020 with the flour and sourdough starter of De Genneper Watermolen and it was a great success!

You can visit De Genneper watermolen on Wednesday and Sunday from 12:00-16:00 hour and Saturday from 13:00-16:00 hour. Adress: Genneperweg 143, 5644 RS Eindhoven
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